
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011


1. Emulation System
This competition is using Australian Parlementary System (APS), in this system ,it’s gonna be contents by 2 (two) teams consisting of 3 (three) participants. The team are consists by "affirmative team" (the government team) and "negative team" (the Opponent team). 1st ,2nd , 3rd , speaker from the positive team or negative teams have the opportunity to express their opinions as long as 7 minutes a participants. The speaker of the affirmative have to defend the opinion that they support the substance prescribed topics. Opponent team have to give a rebuttal to the opinion expressed by the Affirmative Team. The debate ended with the presentation summary of the opinions that have been submitted by the team and the opposing team, with 5 minutes by the speaker cover (Replay Speaker). And there is no POI ( point of information )

2. Adjudicator

The jury in the debate by using the APS called Adjudicator. Adjudicator arranged by a team which 3 (three) people in an adjudicator team. All of the adjudicator have to give an assessment of the performance from any speaker's from the negative or affirmative team. In the end of debate the adjudicator have to gives a summary and announced to the participants. Adjudicator consists by the co-participantswho have experience to be an adjudicator in this system. To make the same perception of the adjudicator, we held training before the competition will be held.

3. Winners

Winner of debate with the APS system include by First Winner (The Champion), second winner (Runner Up), and the third Winner (Second Runner-Up)3rd winner is a team who unincluded to Grand Final from the big four team, so there is the 3rd winner with two considerations provide a balanced appreciation of the team that is not included in the Grand Final. In the orther sides the award was given also to the Best Speaker . at the end of the competition. In each session was also chosen the best speakers. Award as the best speaker at

the end of this race activities based on a member of the team who get the most predicate as the best speakers in each session.

4. Competition Materials
competition Material are talking about around issues from Economic, Social, Politics, Culture, Science and Technology, Environment and Education wich is developing in Indonesia

5. Gift
• The Champion : Rp. 750,000 + trophy + certificate
• The Runner Up : Rp. 500,000 + trophy + certificate
• The 2nd Runner Up : Rp. 300,000 + trophy + certificate
• The best speakers : Rp. 100,000 + certificate

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