Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
It’s no doubt that English is one of the skills that use needed by Indonesian people so they can compete with people from other countries in the globalization era.
English Club (EC) is students’ organization at the State Polytechnic of Lampung that is established to facilitate students of the State Polytechnic of Lampung to improve their communication skill in English so they will be well-prepared to face tight global competition in future.
EC has variety of activities, not only for its member but also for all students of the State Polytechnic of Lampung. One of EC’ annual program is English Proficiency Awards (EPA) 2011, that is intended for students of higher education institution and students of senior high school to improve their English proficiency and to build a harmonious relationship with one another.
EC strikes back! This year, EC is inviting students of higher education institution in Indonesia and students of senior high school in Lampung Province, to participate in a national-scale. EPA 2011 that will be held on the green campus of the State Polytechnic of Lampung on Thursday, 31st March - Sunday, 3rd April 2011.
Polinela Debating Championship (PDC)
Style : Australian Parliamentary
Participants : Students of senior high school in Lampung Province
Registration Fees : IDR 75.000,-/team
The Australian Parliamentary Debating rules and motions list can be downloaded from
Polinela National Scrabble Competition (PNSC)
Style : Collins Scrabble Word (CSW)
Participants : Students of senior high school, higher education in Indonesia and other institution
Registration Fees : IDR 130.000,-/team
The Scrabble Tournament Rules can be downloaded from
Polinela Speech Contest (PSC)
Participants : Students of senior high school in Lampung Province
Registration Fees : IDR 55.000,-/person
Each participants is given 7-10 minutes to give a speech on one of these topics areas: politics, economic, education, social, culture, environment, science and technology. The participant is also required to prepare three copies of their speech draft that must be sent along with the completed registration form to the EPA 2011 committee.
Important Registration Notes
1. Important Dates
a. Registration Timeline : March 1st - 28th 2011
b. Technical Meeting : March 30st 2011
c. Implementation Competition
- Debating Championship : March 31st – April 3rd 2011
- Scrabble Competition : March 31st – April 1st 2011
- Speech Contest : March 31st 2011
d. Opening and First Day of Competition : Thursday, March 31st 2011
e. Final Rounds and Closing Ceremony : Sunday, April 3rd 2011
2. Registration and Payment Information
- Registration form can be download at
- Completed registration form, institution logo, and formal photo, sent to our scretariat or send to
- A delegation letters from your institution,must be submitted on technical meeting day or on First Day of Competition
- Registration payment can be done in secretariat of EPA 2011 or can be Transfer the registration fee, via bank as follows:
Mandiri syariah KCP Kedaton
Account no :
- Transfer receipt maust be scanned, and send to
- To confirm registration and payment please contact CP : (Taher)
- For futher information about EPA 2011 you can access our website:
- The letter of confirmation will be send in maximum 24 hours after the form is received
3. Participation Requirement
- For the scrabble competition, each institution can send a maximum of 5 team, and for debating championship and speech contest can send a maximum of 3 team
- Any student from high school and university (15 – 24 years old) are welcome
4. Warning
We have the right to reject participants who do not fulfill the age requirement, not represent the institution, or have not completed any registration requirements by the required due date.
Secretariat of EPA 2011
Secretariat English Club, GSG Polinela, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 10 Bandar Lampung 35144
Faks (0721) 787309
Contact person :
Achmad Fauzi Thaher (085768647307)
Perdana Rakhmat Venerdi (085669773737)
Ahmad Jumadi (08984361791
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